A 10-year-old girl, identified as E.H., was with her family at Dehn’s Pumpkins, a Minnesota pumpkin patch. The facility included a petting zoo in which children could pet the cows housed in a feedlot behind a metal gate. E.H. spent some time feeding the cows. Several days later, E.H. began…
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blawg
Chicago is One of the Top Three Cities Where Crane Risks Rise as Construction Projects Increase
New construction in the U.S. is at an all-time high. According to the 2017 Rider Levett Bucknall Crane index, Chicago makes the top three, along with Seattle and Los Angeles, among cities with the most cranes in operation in the U.S. at the start of 2017. In many of the…
Cook County Jury Verdict of $897,000 Including $500,000 for Punitive Damages Not Against Manifest Weight of Evidence
In this incident involving a cab and pedestrian, three weeks after Express Cab Dispatch Inc. and Express Cab Company Inc. (collectively, Express Cab), leased Luis Leal a taxi cab, he struck a pedestrian, the plaintiff, Margaret Baumrucker. She was walking to her job at MacNeal Hospital in Berwyn, Ill. Although…
U.S. Court of Appeals Explains Res Ipsa Loquitur Principle in Federal Injury Case
Cedric Smith sued the United States government under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), 28 U.S.C. Section 2671 et seq., claiming injuries from a fall off of a broken metal stool in a secured attorney-client interview room at the U.S. District Court in Rock Island, Ill. Smith’s lawsuit relied on…
State Supreme Court Affirms $3.9 Million Jury Verdicts in Mazda 3 Fuel Tank Design Defect Case
Mazda Motor Corp. appealed a judgment involving its Mazda 3 car. There were two jury verdicts that resulted from two product liability claims filed in Alabama. The lawsuits arose out of a crash involving a Mazda 3 driven by then 16-year-old Sydney McLemore, with 15-year-old Natalie Hurst as a passenger.…
$12.27 Million Settlement for Catastrophic Injuries Suffered by Electrical Contractor Lineman Who Fell 60 Feet
A lineman working for an electrical contractor identified in this confidential settlement and lawsuit as Mr. Doe was hired to install a new electrical switch and cross arm at the top of a wooden utility pole. Mr. Doe climbed the pole and then strapped his work-positioning belt around himself and…
Illinois Appellate Court Reverses and Remands Insurance Case Regarding Demand for Arbitration
The plaintiffs in this case filed a complaint against the defendant insurance company, United Equitable Insurance Co., alleging breach of contract in bad faith when United Equitable would not pay the plaintiffs’ claims from an auto accident involving an uninsured motorist. The plaintiffs filed a motion for summary judgment, which…
Cook County Jury Verdict for Injured Bicyclist Hit by Motorist Who Ran Stop Sign
Forrest Buchtel, 74, was riding his bike southbound on Sherman Avenue in Evanston, Ill. He stopped for a stop sign at Greenleaf Street, which is a four-way stop intersection and then began peddling his bike into the intersection when he was hit by an eastbound car driven by the defendant,…
$5.26 Million Jury Verdict for Injured Electrician Who Fell From Ladder
Joanne Turner, an electrician, was working on a roof of a community college building that was under construction. As she climbed a 20-foot roof access ladder, she slipped and fell about 15 feet to the concrete floor below. Turner was 53 years old at the time. As a result of…
$3 Million Jury Verdict for Suicide Death Caused by Paxil in Pharmaceutical Lawsuit
Plaintiff Wendy Dolin, the wife of the decedent, Stewart Dolin, filed this lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in Chicago alleging that the death of her husband, Stewart Dolin, was caused by the taking of the generic drug paroxetine, a form of the antidepressant…