
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blawg


Autopsy Answers And Painful Questions About Untimely Deaths In Medical Malpractice Cases

Last year our law firm reviewed a tragic Chicago medical malpractice case involving the death of a 28-year-old mother of three. While the facts seemed to point towards medical negligence as a contributing factor of the young woman’s death the medical records did not reveal a clear cut cause of…


Illinois Hydroxycut Users Showing Symptoms Described by FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised consumers that products sold under the Hydroxycut branded name could cause liver and heart problems. The FDA Hydroxycut advisory stated that “although liver damage appears to be relatively rare, FDA believes consumers should not be exposed to unnecessary risks.” The results were…


Illinois Appellate Court Finds Patient’s Consents Makes Doctor Contractors Not Hospital Employees

When people receive medical treatment at a hospital they typically assume that the doctors are employees of that hospital. However, in many cases the doctor may be an independent contractor of the hospital and not a hospital employee. Because of the confusion that exists around who treating physicians and staff…


Medical Industry Gifts To Doctors To Be Made Public

Vermont recently enacted a law (S.48) requiring doctors to publicly disclose any and all medical industry payments they receive. Under the law ‘medical industry payments’ includes any money and/or gifts made to healthcare providers. The healthcare providers are required to specify the names of the gift givers and the corresponding…


Trucking Accidents and the Engine Control Module (ECM), a.k.a. the “Black Box”

There’s two sides to every story and trucking accidents are no different. Typically when two vehicles are involved in an accident the vehicle drivers’ stories vary in some way. Law enforcement officials and insurance companies are left with the job of sorting through the facts to come up with an…


U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood Welcomed By The Union League Club of Chicago And Its Public Affairs Committee

Former Illinois 18th District House of Representatives Congressman, Ray LaHood, now the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, was the honored speaker at the luncheon held at the Union League Club of Chicago on May 15, 2009. Mr. LaHood served 14 years in the U.S. House of Representatives and became the 16th…


Illinois Enforcing Reporting of Hospital-Acquired Infections

Hospital-acquired infections are on the rise and have become a serious health problem. A 2007 study showed that 99,000 deaths were attributable to hospital-acquired infections alone. Illinois responded to this health problem by becoming the first state to enforce requirements that hospitals report incidences of hospital-acquired infections. In 2007, Illinois…


Illinois Product Liability Lawsuit Against Gun Company Prevented by State Supreme Court

When the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) was enacted in 2006 it provided protection to firearm manufactures from the majority of lawsuits being brought by victims of a shooting. Under the Act shooting victims were barred from suing firearm manufacturers in both federal and state courts under…

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