
Chicago Personal Injury Lawyer Blawg


Is New Year’s Eve The Most Dangerous Time of the Year to Be On the Road? What About for Pedestrians?

New Year’s Eve is a time to celebrate the coming of 2009. Restaurants and bars in Chicago and nationwide are lively as many celebrate the holiday and the arrival of the new year with drinks and merriment. It is easy to imagine that New Year’s Eve is a risky time…


Illinois Construction Workers Can Recover For Burn Injuries

Consider a case where an Illinois roofer was burned when a tar pot ignites. This construction worker can claim damages against the site developer for negligence. Many building project developers are mindful of the fact that many workers in the construction industry are exposed to dangerous conditions. But in some…


Are Pharmaceutical Companies Ghostwriting Their Own Praises?

In a recent and controversial accusation, Elsevier has been questioned about publishing favorable medical reviews of pharmaceutical company Wyeth’s hormone replacement therapy drug. The allegations claim that the medical publishing editors at Elsevier were not unbiased, but received payment from Wyeth. In response to these accusations, Elsevier has launched its…


Organ Transplant Surgeon Cleared of Harming Organ Donor

A California organ transplant surgeon was acquitted in a criminal action that alleged he had intentionally harmed a donor by prescribing excessive amounts of drugs in order to speed up the extraction of the patient’s kidney and liver. The surgeon’s attorney argued that the doctor had flown in from his…


Therapeutic Hypothermia: Studies Show it Could Effectively Treat Cardiac Arrest

Recent studies have shown that decreasing body temperature through the use of the therapeutic hypothermia method increases the chance of surviving a heat attack. The practice of cooling patients was endorsed by the American Heart Association in An Advisory Statement by the Advanced Life Support Task Force of the International…


Illinois Governor Blagojevich Has Yet to Resign Even as His Chief of Staff Resigns

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has submitted a motion to the Illinois Supreme Court to requesting the removal of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich from office. The motion challenges Blagojevich’s fitness to hold office and serve as Illinois’ governor following the governor’s recent arrest. The complaint filed under United States of…


Chicago Plaintiff’s Medical Device Lawsuit Denied by Illinois U.S. District Court Judge

U.S. District Court Judge Virginia M. Kendell denied a Chicago woman’s medical device liability claim that her left knee injuries were caused by her knee replacement device. The complaint was removed to the federal court from Chicago’s Cook County Circuit Court and contained claims of negligence, strict liability and breach…

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